Dak Karmayogi

Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Answers

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Introduction Dak Karmayogi Portal has recently launched a new course that is Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism in Indiapost. The objectives of this course is ...

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Dak Karmayogi Portal has recently launched a new course that is Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism in Indiapost. The objectives of this course is to understand about Grievance Handling mechanism in India Post.

This course is designed to educate the Post Office staff about the
procedures available for registering public complaints. It is also designed
for the PG – handling staff in Post Offices and Administrative offices to
understand the processing of registered complaints.

So in this article, we will be discussing the questions & answers related to this course.

Enrol This Course: https://dakkarmayogi.gov.in/doptrg/my_classmates.php?id=17179

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Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Answers
Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Answers

Question & Answers: Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course

1. India Post strives to settle 90 percent of complaints within …

Ans – 15 Days

2. Who is the Joint Secretary level Officer in the Department nominated to run the Grievance Handling Mechanism in India Post?

Ans – DDG (PG)

3. What is the application used for handling Customer Complaints in India Post?


4. Complaints for these Offices cannot be directly raised, as these offices are not mapped in CRM

Ans – Branch Office

5. Complaints for mail articles are registered against

Ans – Article Booking Office

6. SAP CRM for Complaints handling was rolled out on

Ans – 30.12.2019

7. What is the full form of OER in OER Table

Ans – Object Event Repository

Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Answers By Gdsresults.org

8. What data is stored in OER Table?

Ans – All events related to article from its booking to delivery

9. At the time of registration of complaint, the complaint is shown pending at

Ans – Office that last scanned the article

10. Which office can close a complaint?

Ans – Office of Origin / booking

11. The Delivery Office will change the status of the complaint to___and send it to the Office of Origin for closure

Ans – Sent for Resolution

12. Forclosing a complaint, the Office of origin will change the status of the complaint to

Ans – Resolved

13. Who is the Nodal Public Grievance Officer for India Post?

Ans – ADG (PG)

14. This is a Government of India platform for Grievance Redressal for customers


15. The Department’s Instagram handle is

Ans – indiapost_dop

Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Final Quiz Answers

1. What is the full form of OER in OER Table

Object Event Repository

2. Complaints registered against an office are called _____ complaints for that office


3. Forclosing a complaint, the Office of origin will change the status of the complaint to


4. SAP CRM for Complaints handling was rolled out on


5. India Post strives to settle 90 percent of complaints within …

15 days

6. Complaints for these Offices cannot be directly raised, as these offices are not mapped in CRM

Branch Office

7. A Complaint ID consists of

10 digits

8. Complaints for articles booked at some other office and shown pending at the delivery office will be shown as __ complaints for Office of Delivery


9. Who is the Joint Secretary level Officer in the Department nominated to run the Grievance Handling Mechanism in India Post?


10. Which office can close a complaint?

Office of Origin/booking

11. What data is stored in OER Table?

All events related to article from its booking to delivery

Dak Karmayogi Grievance Handling Mechanism Course Answers By Gdsresults.org

12. How many categories are available for raising complaints


13. What Role is to be assigned for accessing CRM Complaints module?


14. Complaints for mail articles are registered against

Article Booking Office

15. The Delivery Office will change the status of the complaint to___and send it to the Office of Origin for closure

Sent for Resolution

16. The Department’s Instagram handle is


17. At the time of registration of complaint, the complaint is shown pending at

Office that last scanned the article

18. What is the application used for handling Customer Complaints in India Post?


19. Who is the Nodal Public Grievance Officer for India Post?


20. Appeals can also be made by customers who are not satisfied by the resolution provided by the Department under PG Portal.Who is the Nodal Authority for such Appeals in India Post?


21. This is a Government of India platform for Grievance Redressal for customers



This course will help postal employees better understand the grievance handling mechanism and the process of resolving complaints.