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Mandatory capturing of mobile number while booking
The Department of Posts issued a serious notification regarding mandatory capturing of mobile number while booking. Mandatory capturing of the mobile number of the sender and addressee will provide the following benefits:
Customers will get instant messages during various stages from
booking to delivery.
No.30- 1612022-D
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Business (Development & Operations) Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-l10001
Dated:26.09 .2023
The All CPMsG,
Subiect: Regarding mandatory capturing of the mobile number of sender
and addressee at the time of booking of accountable mail
This has reference to various communication received from the
customers and some circles regarding mandatory capturing of mobile
number of sender and addressee at the time of booking of accountable
bulk/retail mail.
- In the existing Point of Sale application, there are fields which enable
the end user to capture the mobile number of the sender and addressee.
However, it is not mandatory. Consequently, the percentage of articles
booked at counters which have the data entered is very low. The non-availability of the mobile number of the sender and addressee in the system
hampers the effectiveness of the functionality to send SMS alerts for
different stages from booking to delivery.
2.1 Mandatory capturing of the mobile number of the sender and addressee will provide the following benefits:
a) Customer will get instant messages during various stages from
booking to delivery.
Customers may instantly react to any wrong routing of their article
during transtnission, fake rernarks such as door locked, addressee
absent etc. given by the delivery staff.
it will allow the postman to reach out to the addressee in case of
incomplete, incorrect or illegible addressee details mentioned on
the article.
- Based upon the discussion held with all stakeholders and examining the
the law in force in this regard has been decided by the competent authority that:
(i) Mandatory capturing of the mobile number of the sender and addressee at the time of booking of bulk retail articles will be included in the next point of sale version 4.9 is expected to be released in the last week of September 2023
(ii) Capturing of mobile number at the time of booking will be started
immediately after the launch of the next version of the point-of-sale application - Exceptions are provided for the following situations:
a) Addressee mobile number in case of International Articles
b) Addressee mobile number in case of articles addressed to the offices of
Central/State Govt. offices, Banks, Semi Government Organizations,
Central/State Govt. PSUs (Central Govt/State Govt), all educational
boards, Central Vigilance Commission, All Coufts., organizations,
institutions, firms etc.,
c) sender’s mobile number when the article is being booked by the Central/State Govt. offices, Banks, Semi Government Organizations, Central/State Govt. PSUs
(Central Govt/State Govt), all educational boards, Central Vigilance
Commission, All Courts, organizations, institutions, firms etc.,,
d) Sender mobile number in case of articles addressed to Central Vigilance
Commission (CVC) under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of
Informer (PIDPI) will also be optional.
e) When a customer refuses to provide his/her mobile number, they should
be briefed about the benefits of the same. However, if they insist, the booking
will proceed without capturing the mobile number.
4.2 In the scenarios of the exceptions detailed above, “1234567890” will
be entered into the system as a dummy mobile number at the time of booking
accountable mail. The usage of the same will be monitored centrally. - An external and internal campaign should be organized in each Circle to
sensitize the Bulk Customers, retail customers and counter PAs about the benefits of providing and capturing mobile numbers at the time of booking
(Dushyant Mudgal)
DDG (Mail Operations)
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