Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers

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Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Answers Introduction Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers: Explore the Department of Posts’ comprehensive Financial Services, including Banking, Insurance, and Money Remittances. Uncover the intricacies of the robust Anti-Money Laundering Policy through this quiz, ...

Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Answers

Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers
Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers


Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers: Explore the Department of Posts’ comprehensive Financial Services, including Banking, Insurance, and Money Remittances. Uncover the intricacies of the robust Anti-Money Laundering Policy through this quiz, designed to empower users with knowledge and effective implementation, ensuring a secure financial environment.

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Dak Karmayogi Quiz Answers

Question & Answers: Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Course

FATF means?

Financial Action Task Force

What are the 3 steps of Money Laundering

Placement, Layering, Integration

AML/CFT means

Anti Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism

Department of Posts came in the ambit of this PML Act, when it was included in the definition of a

Financial Institution

India joined the Anti-Money Laundering regime by enacting the

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Prevention of Money Laundering Act of 2002 (PMLA)

Who controls AML in India?

Director(Enforcement), Financial Intelligence Unit-India

Full form of CDD?

Customer Due Diligence

Under PMLA provisions, Post Office Savings Bank declares its KYC Policy on the following element?

Customer Acceptance Policy

In case of opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts which one of the document is mandatory

Birth Certificate of the Girl Child

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For all our POSB customers which documents are mandatory

Aadhar and PAN

Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Answers by gdsresults.com

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For identification of depositor utility bills like (electricity, telephone,postpaid mobile phone, piped gas,water bill) can be taken, but these should not be more than_______month old


Accounts of Politically Exposed Persons fall in the __________ Category

High Risk

In case any depositor / investor does not co-operate in furnishing fresh KYC documents in case of any suspicion, the Postmaster concerned should refer the matter to the

Head of the Postal Division

Incase of High Risk categories of customers_____is also necessary

Source of Fund

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The following transactions are to be reported which forms the Cash Transaction Report(CTR)

All given options are correct

FIU-IND unit was set up by the Government of India as the central national agency which is responsible for receiving, processing, analyzing and disseminating information relating to suspected financial transactions. FIU stands for —–

Financial Intelligence Unit – India

CTR report is sent to the Directorate by CEPT by the ——————- of every month for onward submission to FIU-India

6th working day

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FIU-IND is an independent body reporting directly to the EIC headed by the Finance Minister. EIC stands for —–

Economic Intelligence Council

Any account where cash is accepted and attempts are made to tender forged/ counterfeit currency notes, forged Security / document . Such transactions are to be reported under——————-even if the transaction is not completed / aborted by the Customer

STR(Suspicious Transaction Report)

The following transactions are to be reported which forms the Cash Transaction Report(CTR)

All transactions above Rs.10 Lacks

Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers
Dak Karmayogi Anti Money Laundering Quiz Answers

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